Monday, March 30, 2009

Read the book online!

Not sure how I stumbled upon this but I did find (I think) the entire book online. Just in case you like reading on your computer Here it is. I'm going to start on it while I wait for my paperback to be delivered! So excited to have found this! Thanks Google!


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Thirteeth Tale Deals!

I just purchased the book on Amazon used for $3.99!! With Shipping it was under $7! Deal! There are a bunch of people selling it used there...just as an FYI! Also- Leah told me that she found her copy along time ago at the used book stores inside the may want to check there also. Katie already requested her copy from the library and got it- so there are a lot of options to find the book aside from getting it at Barnes and Noble! Happy Reading!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

April's Book

I enjoyed listening to everyone talk about "The Shack" last night. I definately got more out of the book by listening to others viewpoints.

I thought that I would post for everyone the book that I picked for next month. It is "The Thirteenth Tale" by Diane Setterfield. I am planning to post the book review from Amazon, just to give you a little more information on it. (but I am not sure how successful I will be.) For those people who questioned how long the book is, I just check and it is 432 pages.

Now, I must admit that I woke up in the night questioning my decision to pick this book. I kept thinking "I am subjecting all of these lovely Christian women to this dark (gothic?) tale", but it is highly praised in the reviews on Amazon, and maybe I am only remember some of the stranger aspects of the book. I look forward to the rest of you reading it and being able to hear your feedback.

Remember we are meeting on April 27th at my house I will send out an email with directions closer to the time.
