Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Girls From Ames update and whats next...

This is from Heidi about the discussion on The Girls from Ames and what she had to say about their conference call from the author:

Here is my book club summary for the Girls From Ames book:

The Girls From Ames book inspired us to look take a close look at the friendships we have today. The book gave some of us a thankfulness of the friendships we currently have, and others a chance to learn what a real friend is really about. The depth of our discussion was amazing! We shared stories of long term friendships, friendships drifting, friendships ending, and hard times when a friend was there for us.

I think that friendships do take a back seat when you are in your 20-30's and life is changing so rapidly with married life and children. I got a sense that all of us look forward to devoting more time to rekindling friendships as our children get older and less dependent on us. It was reassuring to talk about this phase in our life and realize that we are all so similar in our need for friendship. Friendship is a necessity for women!

We all had a person in the book with whom we related to the most. We had a great time discussing why we were most like one particular Girl from Ames.

The highlight of this book club meeting was having the author, Jeffrey Zaslow, conference in for our discussion. Also, Heidi's mom Skyped in for the discussion as well. We are very technologically savvy book club! We loved asking Jeff about more specific information about his book. He was very generous with his time since we were calling him close to his bedtime.

It was fascinating to learn that people who meet the real Kelly often tell her that they are the "Kelly" in their group of friends. Jeff said that most people either tell him that they love her or hate her. It was also interesting to learn that Sally said that she does not hold any grudges against the girls for her "intervention." To her it only happened "38 years, 10 hours, and 2 minutes ago". Ha, ha, ha! Obviously, she forgives them, but does not forget!

The most fascinating thing that Jeff talked about was how men just don't need friendships as much as women do. He told us the story about how he plays cards with a group of men every Thursday night. When he was writing this book and learning about friendships, he decided to ask his friend next to him playing cards, "do you know the names of my kids?" The man answered "no, but I can repeat them back to you if you tell me." This statement was a huge eye opener to us and we talked about how our husbands would be similar in their answers. This is just so hard to believe from a woman's stand point and maybe even a little sad???

Jeff told us that his paperback version of The Girls From Ames will be out soon with an additional 20 pages devoted to an update on the girls. We will look forward to that!

I enjoyed hosting!

- Heidi

So- what's next? I think we'll be taking a break for the holidays. I'd like to set up a date for the beginning/ middle of January. If you are interested in hosting and picking a book please let me know and I'll get a mass email out as well as post it on the blog. It would be nice start reading over the Christmas break. Thanks to all you ladies for participating and being a part of this! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Girls From Ames

Hi All-

I apologize for being so behind. Whats new?! ;-)

We did have a very special meeting last month hosted by Corey where she had prepared authentic dishes from Italy, India and Indonesia! I actaully really enjoyed the Indian Cuisine- job well done my dear friend.

The discussion for Eat Pray Love was interesting and thoughtful. I think we all had pretty strong opinions of Liz a.k.a. "groceries" and it did make for robust rhetoric all around. Thank you Corey for hosting and the idea with the name tags. We all had to chose a word which represented us much like Liz discussed in the book- how each city is known for something. I think each name chosen at the meeting was very fitting for each woman there! I really do adore each one of you for being so open and excited for experiences like this!

Our next book is The Girls From Ames by Jeffrey Zaslow

Meet the Ames Girls: eleven childhood friends who formed a special bond growing up in Ames, Iowa. As young women, they moved to eight different states, yet managed to maintain an enduring friendship that would carry them through college and careers, marriage and motherhood, dating and divorce, a child’s illness and the mysterious death of one member of their group. Capturing their remarkable story, The Girls from Ames is a testament to the deep bonds of women as they experience life’s joys and challenges — and the power of friendship to triumph over heartbreak and unexpected tragedy.

The girls, now in their forties, have a lifetime of memories in common, some evocative of their generation and some that will resonate with any woman who has ever had a friend. Photograph by photograph, recollection by recollection, occasionally with tears and often with great laughter, their sweeping and moving story is shared by Jeffrey Zaslow, Wall Street Journal columnist, as he attempts to define the matchless bonds of female friendship. It demonstrates how close female relationships can shape every aspect of women’s lives – their sense of themselves, their choice of men, their need for validation, their relationships with their mothers, their dreams for their daughters – and reveals how such friendships thrive, rewarding those who have committed to them.

The Girls from Ames is the story of a group of ordinary women who built an extraordinary friendship. With both universal insights and deeply personal moments, it is a book that every woman will relate to and be inspired by.

Heidi is going to be hosting us for this discussion, I'll have her send out directions before hand. We'll be meeting Monday night @ 7pm on November 2nd. See you all then!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I know this is a little late, but better than never right? We had a wonderful discussion lead by Shari for our last book! Wasn't it a interesting read? If you didn't get a chance to see the movie, I would highly recommend it, and surprisingly for one, the movie was much less graphic than the book! Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana were great- seriously perfectly cast for these roles IMO.

So whats next- you may have already guessed, but my dear friend Corey has so graciously offered to host this one! I know it will be a great discussion, as everything she touches turns to gold- seriously! We are going to meet Monday night October 5th at 7pm. I'll have Corey send out an email with directions as the date draws closer, but pick up a copy and get to reading this one! Also visit the authors website here: Eat Pray Love and get a feel for this great story!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Time Travelers Wife

We had a great time last night! Thank you so much to Colleen for hosting us! The Cheetos were the perfect touch in honor of Melanie! It was really an interesting discussion especailly consitering the theme and subject of the book- which I think most of us were fairly certain we would definitly not like it. But alas- I think everyone who did read it actaully liked it. That Stephenie Meyer- I tell ya- she's got a way to captivate us with her out there subject but entirely passionate and cleaver story telling!

As for our next book- we've chosen The Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger.

Yes, it is a movie. Yes, it comes out next week I think. Yes- we are going to attempt at reading the book first, then going and seeing the movie together and then having a discussion on both! I'm really excited, this book was reccomended to me well over a year ago and I've just never got around to picking it up anywhere, and now that its a movie- even more reason for me to really read it!

Shari has offered to host our next meeting on Wednesday Sept. 9th at 7pm. We are going to plan to see the movie Saturday Sept. 5th time and place TBA.

Here is a link for the movie website with the trailer- it looks sooooooo good! Can.Not.Wait!

So- go grab your copy and a comfy nook to snuggle up in and get to reading! Enjoy the last few weeks of summer- they have flown by!!!


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Long Beach Quilt Festival

Yesterday, my mom and I left at 7:21 am to head to Quilt in a Day to ride a charted bus up to the Long Beach Quilt Festival. Because of miscommunication between the store and the driver the bus showed up and hour and a half late. Why is this important? We were so anxious to get in we never did see the board to sign up to listen to Marie Botswick talk. I am sure that it was somewhere near the entrance, but the 450+ vendor booths selling quilting stuff was calling my name. I did find where she was signing books, and a lot of people were in the booth buying pre-signed copies of "A THREAD OF TRUTH". The two times I was there looking for her to say hi she was out seeing the show. I found out later that her talk started 20 minutes after we finally arrived.

I am really starting to enjoy this next book, it was a great choice Lyn. In honor of the meeting next week, I changed the blog background to reflect the Twighlight series also by Stephenie Meyer.


Monday, June 15, 2009

River's Edge Discussion Night

We had a great meeting tonight! We missed all of you who couldn't make it but hopefully you all can make it to the next one!

Mrs. Marie Bostwick was AMAZING! What an honor to have her call us on her own time and speak with us so openly about her writing and books! It was a pleasure to speak with her, and I am hoping to get a chance to make it out to Long Beach and meet her in a few months! If you were not at the meeting, but got a chance to read the book she'll be speaking at a quilt show in Long Beach and I'll post the info up here so if anyone would like to attend with me (I know Kami is going for the quilting aspect of it anyways, I'll trying to go so I can meet Marie) once I get more info on it!

Marie's daughter in law is also directing The First Wives Club in Balboa Park which she plugged for all of us listeners so if anyone is interested in attending the info is here

As promised, here is the recipe for the German dessert I made:
Rasberry Custard Kuchen

Also- Our new book will be The Host by Stephenie Meyer.

Don't let it intimidate you- it is a longer book, but its big print and although its slightly over 600 pages, a few of us have read her other series (Twilight) and were able to get through them very easily and quickly- so DO NOT BE SCARED or let the size of a book intimidate you! Give it a try and hey, if you don;t get through it all no biggie- no one will care- we are all mom's and totally understand! Right? Right!

Unlike the last book, you should be able to find this one literally anywhere! Possibly even strange places like gas stations or pharmacy! Just kidding- kinda. It really is everywhere because its hugely popular and has been on the NYTimes best sellers list since it came out! No joke- I found my copy at Marshalls for $10.99 Like I said- EVERYWHERE!

Colleen is so gracious to hostess us and our next meeting will be the first week in August. I'll put more info up as the date draws near and I firm things up with Colleen but that should give us all plenty of time. Happy reading all you wonderful ladies. Thank you all for enriching my life with your insight and perspective on literature! This is so fun!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


This doesn't give anything away in the book, but just a few imagines I found online that I thought put a nice mental picture to what we are reading about.

The Connecticut River Valley

Church in Massachusetts

Hanging tabacco leaves (1940)

Working the fields (late 1930's)

Tobacco farm in the Connecticut River Valley